Produkt zum Begriff Law:
Business Law
A comprehensive and accessible guide in Business Law that is also suitable for non-students. Business Law, 9th edition by Ewan MacIntyre is a comprehensive guide to the subject, aiming to help you gain a deeper understanding of the legal principles that apply to business. This text is ideal for students who study Business Law in a wide variety of courses, such as business or accountancy-related, as well as professional or post-graduate courses that require a thorough grounding in the specific field. The book covers most areas in an academically rigorous way but is written in a language that is straightforward and easy to understand. This edition provides an in-depth, up-to-date treatment of the law, with significant updates in many cases that reflect changes in the legislation especially EU law. Key features include: Comprehensive content: covers a wide variety of business law subjects, including Employment, Consumer Credit, and Intellectual Property. A clear outline: helps you organise your studying of the topics efficiently and fully grasp all aspects of the subject. Key points and tasks: encourage you to apply what you have learned to business situations. Multiple-choice and in-depth problem questions: allow you to consolidate your understanding and learning of the topics. Easy to read and with a range of references to support your understanding of the subject, this textbook offers full coverage of the theory and practical applications in Business Law.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
International Business Law
For upper-level undergraduate and MBA students enrolled in an international business law course. August emphasises the diversity and similarity of how firms are currently regulated and governed around the world. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Law for Business Students
Explore the key aspects of business law through accessible, engaging real-life casLaw for Business Students, 12th edition, by Adams, Caplan and Lockwood provides you with contemporary and comprehensive coverage of the fundamental legal principles relating to the business environment. It introduces legal concepts to non-law students in a practical and engaging way through real-life cases relevant to the business world. The book offers a range of features to help you understand, apply and analyse legal concepts, including scenarios to encourage the development of opinions and application of relevant legal concepts. The 'Worth thinking about' sections provide discussion points to analyse within the classroom, while 'Exam tips' help revision practice by pointing to areas of the law which are likely to appear in exam questions.The new edition has been thoroughly updated to cover legal developments in a range of diverse areas relevant to the core topics of law: contract (including intellectual property), tort, employment and business organisations (including formation), governance, and dissolution. It reflects the changes in the law as a result of Brexit, as well as Covid litigation arising in relation to employment rights.This title also has a Companion Website.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Law Express: Medical Law
Revise with the help of the UK’s bestselling law revision series.Designed for students, this book will help you: Understand how to review essential cases, statutes, and legal terms Learn how to assess and approach the subject by using expert advice Learn how to lead further discussions Find additional support on our Law Express companion website, which contains a host of extra resources to provide you with pre-exam guidance. Visit Jonathan Herring is a Professor of Law at Exeter College, University of Oxford.
Preis: 13.9 € | Versand*: 0 €
Kaido und Law gegen Goku?
Es ist schwierig, einen klaren Gewinner in einem Kampf zwischen Kaido und Law gegen Goku vorherzusagen, da es sich um Charaktere aus verschiedenen Anime-Serien handelt, die unterschiedliche Fähigkeiten und Kräfte haben. Es hängt von den spezifischen Umständen des Kampfes ab, wie gut die Charaktere ihre Fähigkeiten einsetzen können und wie gut sie aufeinander vorbereitet sind. Es wäre interessant zu sehen, wie sich diese drei mächtigen Kämpfer gegeneinander behaupten würden.
Was bedeutet Recycling für die Umwelt?
Was bedeutet Recycling für die Umwelt?
Wie beeinflusst die Bauweise eines Gebäudes seine Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit?
Die Bauweise eines Gebäudes beeinflusst seine Energieeffizienz, indem sie die Isolierung, Belüftung und Nutzung erneuerbarer Energiequellen bestimmt. Ein gut isoliertes Gebäude mit effizienten Heizungs- und Kühlsystemen benötigt weniger Energie für den Betrieb. Nachhaltige Bauweisen wie die Verwendung umweltfreundlicher Materialien und die Berücksichtigung der ökologischen Auswirkungen während des gesamten Bauprozesses tragen zur Reduzierung des ökologischen Fußabdrucks eines Gebäudes bei.
Wie können Gebäudediagnosen dazu beitragen, die Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit von Gebäuden zu verbessern?
Gebäudediagnosen identifizieren Schwachstellen in der Gebäudehülle, der Haustechnik und der Nutzung, um gezielte Sanierungsmaßnahmen zu planen. Durch die Analyse von Energieverbräuchen und CO2-Emissionen können Einsparpotenziale aufgedeckt und nachhaltige Maßnahmen umgesetzt werden. Langfristig führen Gebäudediagnosen zu einer Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs, einer Senkung der Betriebskosten und einer Verbesserung des Raumklimas.
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Law:
Law Express: Employment Law
Revise with the help of the UK’s bestselling law revision series. Designed for students, this book will help you: Understand how to review essential cases, statutes, and legal terms Learn how to assess and approach the subject by using expert advice Learn how to lead further discussions Find additional support on our Law Express companion website, which contains a host of extra resources to provide you with pre-exam guidance. Visit David Cabrelli is a Professor of Labour Law at the University of Edinburgh and a qualified solicitor in Scotland (non-practising). His research has been cited with approval by the UK Supreme Court, Hong Kong High Court and Federal Court of Australia.
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Law Express: EU Law
Give your learning the edge with this guide from the UK's bestselling law revision series. EU Law, 7th edition, Global Edition, by Ewan Kirk, is a crucial revision tool that takes you through the main areas of study on EU law. Part of the acclaimed law revision series Law Express, this study aid strengthens your knowledge by teaching you how to review essential cases, statutes, and legal terms. Using expert advice, the text prepares you to ace your exams by ensuring you know how to assess and approach the subject, and how to lead further discussions. This book covers all crucial areas, including how the EU legal system works and substantive law projects, to enable you to face your exams with confidence. This 7th edition includes new and updated information that reflects the rapid and significant developments in EU law in the last few years. With a range of learning features and comprehensive coverage of crucial points, this guide will ensure you have the tools you need to succeed in your studies. This title also comes with a Companion Website.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Business Law
A comprehensive and accessible guide in Business Law that is also suitable for non-students. Business Law, 9th edition by Ewan MacIntyre is a comprehensive guide to the subject, aiming to help you gain a deeper understanding of the legal principles that apply to business. This text is ideal for students who study Business Law in a wide variety of courses, such as business or accountancy-related, as well as professional or post-graduate courses that require a thorough grounding in the specific field. The book covers most areas in an academically rigorous way but is written in a language that is straightforward and easy to understand. This edition provides an in-depth, up-to-date treatment of the law, with significant updates in many cases that reflect changes in the legislation especially EU law. Key features include: Comprehensive content: covers a wide variety of business law subjects, including Employment, Consumer Credit, and Intellectual Property. A clear outline: helps you organise your studying of the topics efficiently and fully grasp all aspects of the subject. Key points and tasks: encourage you to apply what you have learned to business situations. Multiple-choice and in-depth problem questions: allow you to consolidate your understanding and learning of the topics. Easy to read and with a range of references to support your understanding of the subject, this textbook offers full coverage of the theory and practical applications in Business Law.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Law for Business Students
Explore the key aspects of business law through accessible, engaging real-life casLaw for Business Students, 12th edition, by Adams, Caplan and Lockwood provides you with contemporary and comprehensive coverage of the fundamental legal principles relating to the business environment. It introduces legal concepts to non-law students in a practical and engaging way through real-life cases relevant to the business world. The book offers a range of features to help you understand, apply and analyse legal concepts, including scenarios to encourage the development of opinions and application of relevant legal concepts. The 'Worth thinking about' sections provide discussion points to analyse within the classroom, while 'Exam tips' help revision practice by pointing to areas of the law which are likely to appear in exam questions.The new edition has been thoroughly updated to cover legal developments in a range of diverse areas relevant to the core topics of law: contract (including intellectual property), tort, employment and business organisations (including formation), governance, and dissolution. It reflects the changes in the law as a result of Brexit, as well as Covid litigation arising in relation to employment rights.This title also has a Companion Website.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie können Gebäudeanalysen dazu beitragen, Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit in der Bauindustrie zu verbessern?
Gebäudeanalysen können Schwachstellen in der Energieeffizienz identifizieren und Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung vorschlagen. Durch die Optimierung von Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Klimaanlagen können Energiekosten gesenkt und der CO2-Ausstoß reduziert werden. Langfristig tragen diese Maßnahmen dazu bei, die Umweltbelastung zu verringern und die Nachhaltigkeit in der Bauindustrie zu verbessern.
"Welche Maßnahmen sind bei der Gebäudesanierung besonders wichtig, um Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit zu gewährleisten?"
1. Eine gute Dämmung der Gebäudehülle ist entscheidend, um den Energieverbrauch zu reduzieren. 2. Der Einsatz von effizienten Heizungs- und Lüftungssystemen trägt zur Energieeinsparung bei. 3. Die Verwendung von nachhaltigen Baumaterialien und erneuerbaren Energien ist wichtig für eine umweltfreundliche Sanierung.
Wie können wir effektiver Müll reduzieren und Recycling fördern, um die Umwelt zu schützen?
Wir können effektiver Müll reduzieren, indem wir bewusster konsumieren, wiederverwendbare Produkte verwenden und weniger Verpackungsmaterialien kaufen. Recycling können wir fördern, indem wir Müll trennen, Recyclingstationen nutzen und Produkte aus recycelten Materialien kaufen. Durch diese Maßnahmen können wir die Umwelt schützen, Ressourcen schonen und die Verschmutzung reduzieren.
Was ist Ökologie?
Ökologie ist ein wissenschaftliches Fachgebiet, das sich mit den Beziehungen zwischen Lebewesen und ihrer Umwelt beschäftigt. Es untersucht, wie Organismen in Ökosystemen interagieren, wie sie Nährstoffe und Energie austauschen und wie sie sich an ihre Umwelt anpassen. Ökologie spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Erforschung und dem Verständnis von Umweltproblemen und der Entwicklung von Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Nutzung der Ressourcen.
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